Editing is Necessary, but…
An overarching theme of the College Essay Journal is to draw out your individual voice, strengths, and personal qualities in an authentic way. But does authentic mean alone? Unedited? That you shouldn’t get any help in this process at all?
Absolutely not!
An authentic essay means that it is one filled with your own voice, tone, and anecdotes. Whether that is humorous, reflective, informative, optimistic, or serious… It should represent you. If you’re funny, be funny. If your sense of humor is dry, that’s fine! If you like to relate life experiences to math problems, great. But, if you’re not funny, then don’t try to be funny. If you have a dry sense of humor, don’t force yourself to incorporate puns. If you don’t like science, don’t write about it.
At selective institutions, generally over 80% of applicants are academically qualified. So what is an institution looking for in an application? How can you stand out?
Voice. Tone. Personality… Your real power in this process is YOU. And the things about you that demonstrate “fit” for an individual school’s culture and community.
Here’s a really helpful article about Tone in Writing.
But there’s nothing that says you can’t retain your tone and authenticity while undergoing an editing process when writing your college essays.
Every applicant should have someone edit, spell check, and proof-read their essays. I once read an application from an amazing student who wrote something like “my couch thinks I’m good at soccer.” She meant her coach, but spell check didn’t pick up on that one. Oops.
When should you have someone edit?
After you’ve finished writing. Put all the words and ideas onto paper first. Sometimes you may even want to write two full essays to see which one captures you best. But don’t have anyone else looking it over and offering suggestions until the piece has been fully realized. If you do that, it can change the narrative in a way where it’s no longer your story.
Are there any rules to editing?
Yes! This advice goes directly to the person doing the reviewing:
never add; only delete.
The editor can (and should!) say “this isn’t the right word,” “this sentence is bad,” or “you should change this paragraph.” However, they should never add in the “right” word, a “better” sentence, or content for a new paragraph. Their advice should guide the author to make the changes. If every word that goes into the essay is the applicant’s, then there’s no reason the original voice should be lost.
The point of editing is to guide and enhance.
“A good editor doesn’t rewrite words, she rewires synapses..”
After editing, how can you tell if it’s still your voice?
My best advice is this: when you think you’re done with your essay (and have already looked it over yourself), give it to someone who knows you well, but hasn’t read it yet. No pen, no computer. Just ask “does this sound like me?”
If they say yes, then you probably have the type of essay that schools would like to read!
What else should I know?
Keep in mind that admissions officers read hundreds, if not thousands, of essays each year. Remember, in this process and journey admissions officers aren’t necessarily looking for “unique.” The goal is to share your story in an authentic way. And, while authentic doesn’t mean you’re alone in the process, it does mean you’re providing an honest story, voice, and tone in each piece you submit.
If you’re struggling with what to write about… that’s why the College Essay Journal exists!
We want to help you create a foundation for your college applications.
Check it out.